张聪博士,德国埃尔朗根—纽伦堡大学,于2024年4月16日16:00在物质科研楼C座11层1124做题为“A review of loop quantum black hole models”的报告, 欢迎感兴趣者参加。


Topic: A review of loop quantum black hole models

Speaker: Dr. Cong Zhang

Coordinates: PCFT C1124, 16:00, Tuesday, April 16


Abstract: Black holes, being the most perfect macroscopic objects in the Universe, provide an ideal arena for our exploration of quantum gravity, one of the most challenging  subjects in contemporary physics. Within the framework of loop quantum gravity, there has been extensive research into quantum Schwarzschild black holes. However, the outcomes of these investigations have not yet converged into a single, unified depiction. In my talk, I will offer a concise overview of these various models within loop quantum gravity and provide insights into some of the latest findings.