Topic: 3d N=2 from M-theory on CY4 and IIB brane box
Speaker: Prof. Yinan Wang
Coordinates: PCFT C1124, 16:00, Thursday, January 11
Abstract: I will present our new framework of constructing 3d N=2 SUSY field theories/SCFTs from M-theory on non-compact Calabi-Yau fourfolds and their singular limits. I will discuss the geometric ingredients that give rise to 3d gauge fields, matter, flavor symmetries, 1-form symmetries, non-abelian gauge theory and SCFT limit, as well as the effects of G4-flux and superpotential. I will focus on the cases of toric CY4, where a IIB brane box dual description exists. I will briefly describe the brane constructions and the physical ingredients as well. Reference: 2312.17082