李逍迪博士,浙江大学,于10月29日16:00在交叉学科理论研究中心613会议室做题为 “Expansion of EYM Amplitudes in Gauge Invariant Vector Space” 的报告,欢迎感兴趣者参加。


Title:  Expansion of EYM Amplitudes in Gauge Invariant Vector Space 
Speaker: Dr.Xiaodi Li 
Coordinates: Room 613, 4pm, Thursday, October 29 

Abstract: Motivated by the problem of expanding single-trace tree-level amplitude of EYM theory to the BCJ basis of YM amplitudes, we present an alternative expansion formula in the gauge invariant vector space. To characterize this space, we compute its dimension and construct an explicit gauge invariant basis. Finally, We propose an algorithm to compute the expansion coefficients via differential operators.