易俗研究员,中国科学院理论物理研究所,于2024年12月19日16:00在物质科研楼C座11层1124做题为“Bose-Einstein condensates of microwave-shielded polar molecules”的报告,欢迎感兴趣者参加。


Topic: Bose-Einstein condensates of microwave-shielded polar molecules

Speaker: Prof. Su Yi

Coordinates: PCFT C1124, 16:00, Thursday, December 19


Abstract: We investigate the ground-state phases of ultracold gases composed of bosonic microwave-shielded polar molecules (MSPMs). Using a translational symmetry-breaking variational ansatz with Jastrow correlations, we characterize the many-body correlations arising from the large shielding core of the two-body potential in a dense gas. We show that the molecular gases are always stabilized by the shielding potential and support a self-bound gas phase and an expanding gas phase. Furthermore, analogous to superfluid Helium-4, we find that the condensate fraction is significantly reduced when the size of the shielding core of the two-body potential becomes comparable to the inter-molecular distance. For experimental detection, we also identify a bimodal feature in the momentum distribution. Our work invalidates the application of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation to molecular gases and establishes a universal framework to reveal the many-body correlations in dense molecular gases.