​向涛院士,中国科学院物理研究所,于2020年11月13日15:00在科大东区五教5407教室做题为“High-Tc superconductivity by metallizing the sigma-bonding electrons”的报告,


Topic:High-Tc superconductivity by metallizing the sigma-bonding electrons  

Speaker:  Prof. Tao Xiang 
Coordinates: Room 5407, 3pm, Friday, Nov. 13

Abstract: The sigma-bonding electrons have large binding energy and are stabilized by strong electron-phonon interaction. If one can lift the sigma-bonding band up to the Fermi level, by chemical doping or other charging effects, the strong binding energy is released, but the residual electron-phonon interaction can still be very strong. This provides a universal channel for hunting high-Tc superconductors.