邢志忠研究员,中国科学院高能物理研究所,于2023年10月27日16:00在科大东区二教2106教室做题为“The rephasing invariant of CP violation in particle physics”的报告, 欢迎感兴趣者参加。


Topic: The rephasing invariant of CP violation in particle physics.ppt

Speaker: Prof. Zhizhong Xing

Coordinates: Classroom 2106, 16:00, Friday, October 27


Abstract: The well-known Jarlskog invariant is a unique measure of CP violation in the quark sector of particle physics, and its anagolue in the lepton sector characterizes the strength of CP violation in neutrino oscillations.  This talk will first introduce the history of how this invariant was  discovered, and then provide a benchmark calculation of the correlation    between CP violation in active neutrino oscillations and that in heavy  Majorana neutrino decays within the canonical seesaw framework.