王昕博士,韩国高等科学院,于2022年12月15日16:00在物质科研楼C座11层1124做题为”Twisted elliptic genera”的报告, 欢迎感兴趣者参加。


Topic:Twisted elliptic genera

Speaker: Dr. Xin Wang (KIAS)

Coordinates: PCFT C1124, 4pm, Thursday, December 15

Abstract: Six is the highest dimension of interacting supersymmetric conformal field theories. The classification of 6d SCFT's has been done in recent years based on the F-theory compactification on elliptic-fibered Calabi-Yau three-folds and it was conjectured that all 5d KK SCFT‘s can be obtained by considering circle compactifications of 6d SCFT's. In the tensor branch of 6d SCFT's, the instanton string partition function can be written from the elliptic genera of 2d (0,4) theories, which are Jacobi forms of SL(2,Z). When the twisted circle compactification is performed, the partition function the 5d KK theory can be effectively described in the 6d tensor branch with twisted affine Lie group as the gauge group, and there exists an analogous twisted elliptic genera which are Jacobi forms under the congruence subgroup Gamma_1(N) of SL(2,Z). In this talk, I will give a review of the story and report some new results.