肖博文教授,香港中文大学深圳校区,于12月10日16:00在交叉学科理论研究中心613会议室做题为“The Curious Story of the Photon”的报告,欢迎感兴趣者参加。


Title: The Curious Story of the Photon

Speaker: Prof.Bowen Xiao

Coordinates: Room 613, 4pm, Thursday, December 10

Abstract:In this talk, I plan to discuss several interesting and peculiar aspects of the photon in high energy scatterings. First, I will review the history of Weizsacker-Williams photon distribution in a relativistic moving charged particle in the so-called equivalent photon approximation (EPA), and discuss the extension of this method towards the photon Wigner distribution. These methods can be applied to the dilepton productions recently measured by STAR, ATLAS, and CMS collaborations. In the end, I will also mention the rich QCD structure of the photon and its implication on the collective phenomenon at the future EIC.